Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hello August

It's August already! That means Cameron will be starting school this month. He starts pre-K on Aug. 22. It makes me a little sad to think about, but excited for him at the same time. I just hope he likes it as much as he thinks he will. He seems to be ready.

He has moved up to the 4-5 class at our church, and he already seems to be learning things from it. He is talking A LOT lately, but also telling stories. Lots of loud and passionate "and then!" happening in his stories. And he's is definitely growing. I hope he gets this growth spurt out of the way before we buy new school shoes.

Alivia is currently battling a virus. Not sure what kind of virus, but she's been running fever since Friday night. She seemed to be doing better yesterday, even fever-free. But the fever showed up again during the night. She's in a great mood today, so hopefully the end is near.

At her doctor's appointment yesterday, she weighed 21 pounds and was 31 inches tall. Intellectually, she's definitely having a growth spurt. She's been learning lots of new words and some signs. Cameron thinks it's his job to teach her words and signs for those words, which he makes up. So he taught her the word "dirty" a few days ago and then "waterfall" today, both of which had very similar signs.

She says "Thanks!" to everything. Not thank you, but thanks. It's cute. She also says "Mommy hold." And has started using the H's a lot, but I have no idea what she keeps trying to tell me. She loves to close doors. She is definitely a handful lately. I spend most of the day feeding her or checking on her to make sure she isn't into something she's not suppose to be.

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